Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is Global Warming Real?

Real or Fake?
According to scientist David Keith, the answer is yes. "There is no disagreement among really anybody who is scientific in any way that the world is a lot warmer than it was 100 years ago," Keith says. "If there are interesting disagreements, the disagreements are about whether this is the warmest it's been since the ice ages 10,000 years ago." The core theory says if you double or triple CO2 in the atmosphere, it's going to get warmer. Scientists first raised concerns over the warming effects of CO2 in the atmosphere in the 1960s, when the climate was actually cooling. While there's nothing probmatic about natural climate change, it’s the rate of change that worries scientists.

However, there are some who do not believe in global warming. There are three reasons why they believe this. First, statistics are misleading. All we hear about are the polar ice caps melting, but glaciers in Greenland and Antarctic have been shown in the last few years to be actually getting thicker, not thinner. Second, we are being lied to for personal gain Everyone knows that big scares always mean big profits for government connected companies. For instance, GE owns NBC, which is brainwashing us with constant global warming stories. However, GE makes a huge profit from the sale of green products such as windmills and solar panels to governments. And third, natural factors are rising the Carbon dioxide levels more than man-made factors.
The ocean and volcanoes are much bigger sources of CO2 and other such greenhouse gases than humans. If the CO2 count is increasing, the influence of man is minimal.
I am undecided weather it is real or fake. It is not exactly something i worry about, its not that i dont care, i do my part. I dont waste anything and things like that, but it just isn't something that i am concerned about.

There are three main things that contribute to the formation of a hurricane
  • Warm sea surface temperatures - This is a key ingredient because it serves as the fuel source for hurricanes. Sea surface, or ocean temperatures need to be at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit where the system is located in order for it to develop into a tropical storm or hurricane.
  • Light winds aloft - Hurricanes and tropical storms travel east to west so they are supported by an easterly wind flow. They are also vertical systems in that they have thunderstorms that build vertically in the atmosphere. These two conditions make hurricanes quite different from the storms that usually bring us our weather, and make it essential to have light westerly winds aloft so that there is no shearing, or tearing apart of thunderstorms.
  • Rotation, or spin--In order for the wave to be considered a depression, storm, or hurricane, it must have some rotation, or spin generated by the winds coming together to form it. Without this ingredient, the wave is just another area of low pressure.

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